Paris, France | Amersham, UK | Gundelfingen, Germany | Zurich, Switzerland | Antwerp, Belgium | Beijing, China | New York, USA

Combining contemporary furnishing and quality design with the highly specific technical requirements of hotels and other public spaces is the shared objective of the Ligne Roset Contract teams, whether in the R&D department or on the factory floor, in the quality control or planning departments, in Paris or London, New York or Briord.
A few key words that sum up our Contract operation - collaboration, adaptation, personalisation, implementation, and one translation, 'sur-mesure' or 'custom-made', which can apply just as much to small production runs as to large.
None of the designers who have chosen to put their trust in us will tell you otherwise: in Chicago as in Hamburg, in Barcelona as in Monte Carlo, the furniture they designed and which Roset has produced very precisely respects their qualitative, aesthetic, budgetary and functional criteria. Each project is first and foremost a story of encounters.
Visit the hotels, public spaces, bars & restaurants on which we have already worked and evaluate our savoir-faire for yourself.